Privacy Notice For Guests
Last updated on Monday 21st May 2018
This Privacy Notice covers the actions of the The Holt Hotel (the “Hotel” or “We”). You can find a list of the websites associated with the Hotel at the back of this Privacy Notice. The Hotel take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal data as set out in this Privacy Notice. We are committed to protecting any personal data you provide us, whether that data is provided directly or via a third party.
We have endeavoured to make this document as easy as possible to read. We reserve the right to amend this notice from time to time. Therefore we would encourage you to review this Privacy Notice regularly. If you have a query about this Privacy Notice or our data protection practices you can contact us by email at
Below is a list of the circumstances in which your personal data is collected by the Hotel together with a brief explanation as to why we need that personal data. It is the kind of personal data that you would expect to provide in the normal process of making travel arrangements.
The circumstances in which we collect your personal data
We have broken down the types of data we collect and process into the following circumstances:
In each case we have indicated below the major interactions where we collect data from you.
In addition to this data, when you visit our websites, we will also collect personal data from your computer. This may include the browser you are using, your language settings, the Internet Protocol address and other data pertaining to the computer or similar device which you are using.
Hotel: if you are a guest or a potential guest
So we know who you are:
So we can be ready to welcome you:
To meet internal reporting needs:
For us both to confirm we have your requirements correct:
In order to comply with The Immigration (Hotel Records) Order 1972:
In order to protect us both:
Note: If you are booking on behalf of someone else, we collect much of the above information about you and about the third party on whose behalf you are making a booking.
To meet internal reporting needs
So you can have your say and let us know how you enjoyed your experience
In order to make our services more efficient for you, we, along with most Hotel and businesses, use third party outsource service providers which have partial access to some of your data. We use these suppliers in order to provide services such as booking the facilities available in the hotel; running reception; providing housekeeping; booking rooms and other facilities.
In common with the majority of comparable hotel companies we use Closed Circuit Television (“CCTV”) recording equipment on our properties and the immediate environs. We generally keep records from these cameras for up to 90 days. We use this equipment and these recordings for the reduction and investigation of crimes and unacceptable behaviour.
Use of Cookies
We will also use cookies to help tailor your experience on our websites and to help us track activity. By visiting our website you will have the ability to manage the cookies that you do and do not accept so that you can have the best level of control.
Analytic Suppliers
In common with the majority of comparable hotel companies that use the internet we occasionally use your personal data to help Analytic Suppliers match relevant ads to you using the data analytics of those Analytic Suppliers. However, we only use the data in that way where you are a subscriber to the services of Analytic Suppliers and have therefore agreed to this service by acceding to the relevant Agreements of those Analytic Suppliers.
We mean by Analytic Suppliers companies such as: Facebook; Google; Twitter and Microsoft. Analytic Suppliers supply us with statistical information on how users interact with our website to help us improve our user experience.
We do not control the countries outside the United Kingdom in which those Analytic Suppliers process data.
In conforming with British and European data protection laws, we endeavour to implement reasonable procedures to protect your personal data and to prevent any unauthorised access or misuse of it. The Hotel servers, on which your personal data is kept, are located in the United Kingdom.
You may make a reservation directly with the Hotel, in which case the collection of your personal data is as described above. The diagram below illustrates the way in which you may make a direct booking with the Hotel.
PMS – Property Management System
Where you make your reservation with a third party site, such as a travel company or any other third party booking agent, this privacy notice does not apply to your personal data that is collected by that third party site. The Hotel encourages you to enquire about the data privacy practices of these third party sites directly with those sites.
These companies will deliver the data which they have collected from their customer to the Hotel via one of the following routes:
When you make a reservation via an independent third party booking service, for example a Global Distribution System “GDS”, that third party will transmit certain data which they collect about you to us. Typically, that information may include:
Why is personal data being collected? There are three legal bases upon which we collect, process and transfer your personal data as described in this privacy notice:
Why is personal data being collected?
There are three legal bases upon which we collect, process and transfer your personal data as described in this privacy notice:
With whom will we share your personal data?
None of these third parties are agents for the Hotel. The Hotel are not the representative of those third parties and therefore we are not responsible for your personal data which is collected by these companies and passed to us. We encourage you to check the privacy policy of whichever of these third parties you have used to make your booking with us.
For how long do we keep your personal data?
Your personal data will only be kept for as long as it is required in order to carry out the activities described in this privacy notice, or as required by Governmental authorities and relevant legislation.
Where we are no longer sending you news, special offers and promotions then, unless there are exceptional legal reasons for keeping your data for longer, we do not keep your personal data for more than six years. This is to allow for the normal contract law limitation period and for tax purposes.
What are my rights?
The data protection legislation gives you a number of rights. These rights include:
Please be aware that if you exercise one of these rights, that in order to protect your privacy, we may require you to undergo some verification tests to ensure that we are dealing with you.
You have the right to be informed of the matters stated in this privacy notice.
Hotel Websites
This policy applies to the collection of data through the use of the following family of the Hotel’ websites: